Sunday, January 24, 2016

Soapy Pillows

When I was growing up, my mom called these bad boys Soapy Pillows. The original dessert, sopapillas, is a great way to get rid of extra tortillas... and after those burritos we definitely had extra tortillas. They're super quick to make and with two people, the job flies by. It's also pretty cool to watch them puff up. If you're looking for dessert but don't have the typical "dessert ingredients", give these a whirl!

The spread.

The golden children.

Up close and personal.

Artsy powdered sugar.

Soapy Pillows (makes a **** ton):

  • 4 large flour tortillas
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 cups of canola oil
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup (for dipping)
  • Any other dipping sauces- chocolate sauce, honey, etc.
          Pour the oil into a saucepan and heat on high. Slice the large flour tortillas into 1/8th wedges. Test the oil with a small piece of tortilla- once it sizzles, the oil is ready. Drop the tortilla wedges into the oil two to three at a time. Cook for approximately 10 seconds and flip, then transfer to a dinner plate coated in a paper towel. Even if they aren't quite golden yet, they will continue to cook on the plate because of the oil, so pop them out of the oil after 20 seconds. Transfer all of them to a big bowl and sprinkle powdered sugar over each layer as you place it in the bowl. Pour the maple syrup and other dipping sauces into bowls, and enjoy! 

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